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The Detrimental Impacts of Hearing Loss

The Detrimental Impacts of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss in Singapore is a common health issue that can affect people of all ages. It occurs when there is a problem with one or more parts of the ear. Generally, there are two main types of hearing loss, conductive hearing loss where sound waves cannot be transmitted properly to the cochlea and sensorineural hearing loss which can be caused by damage to the cochlea or the auditory nerve.

While hearing loss greatly affects your hearing abilities, it also has mental and emotional effects that can lead to overall poorer quality of life. Beyond the inability to hear well, this article explores the long-term negative consequences of hearing loss.

1. Cognitive Decline

Since hearing is part of your five main senses, it might not be associated with other health issues, but there is definitely a connection between both. A decline in brain activity and cognitive function is a great example to look at. Studies have shown that people with hearing loss in Singapore are more likely to develop memory loss and dementia and this can be linked back to the decline of cognitive function.

The human brain has a fantastic ability to detect different sensory changes. Sound waves are processed through the inner ear and it sends a signal to the brain when hearing is normal. So when it comes to hearing loss, the brain gets overworked by constantly straining to understand speech and sound. Since it is not receiving any signal from the inner ear, the brain gets stressed and doesn’t work efficiently. This can bring about cognitive decline that increases the risk of dementia later on in life.

Social isolation can also lead to a faster rate of cognitive decline. When a person has trouble with their hearing, they tend to isolate themselves and avoid socialising. But, the more isolated a person becomes, the fewer stimuli the brain receives which can shrink the brain cell, including the part of the brain that receives and processes sound.

Strain on relationships Hearing loss Singapore

2. Strain on relationships

The cornerstone of any healthy relationship is day-to-day communication, be it an important matter or something trivial like asking how one’s day is going. Hearing loss can significantly affect these small but extremely important interactions and when the communication stops, feelings of frustration, anger, and embarrassment creep in.

People who suffer from hearing loss view their partners as an important source of support but even the most supportive partner would find it difficult to really understand hearing loss. So when these feelings start surfacing, loneliness, resentment, and isolation build-up, which are the main causes of downfalls in any relationship.

Lower self-esteem Hearing loss Singapore

3. Lower self-esteem

Research has shown that those who suffer hearing loss in Singapore experience a fall in self-esteem and confidence because of their compromised ability to communicate with others. Here are some ways hearing loss can physically and emotionally damper someone’s spirit.

  • Receive fewer educational and job opportunities due to impaired communication.
  • Withdrawing socially from society due to difficulties in communicating with others (not everyone understands sign language and lip reading) and reduced access to services.
  • Emotional problems like depression, social anxiety, emotional fatigue, and isolation that are mainly caused by low self-esteem and confidence.

From this article, we can see how suffering from the loss of hearing can greatly impact you and those around you. But do not let hearing impairment stop you from living your life because these side effects can be eliminated or reduced when you get professional help from a hearing centre in Singapore.

Make your life easier and schedule an appointment with a hearing specialist from The Hearing Solution Group today to know what course of action suits your hearing impairment the best. You can contact us here or call us at 63370090 to know more about our cutting-edge technology, equipment, and therapy.